It’s early April 2020. You have watched every series ever made on Netflix. You’ve gained 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks from eating everything in the snack cabinet. You don’t remember the last time you put on jeans, or washed your hair. You might be going crazy. Is the world ending?

No. It’s the Coronavirus. 

Being in quarantine, whether it’s self-imposed or government enforced, is a bummer for most people. Even so, I applaud you for not being a selfish a-hole and for thinking about the safety and well-being of others as you stay the F home. If you’re used to being out and about like me, it’s hard to accept the fact that we’re going to be stuck at home for who-knows-how-long. Be it a couple weeks or a couple of months, there’s plenty to do to ensure we don’t get cabin fever and end up hitting our heads against the walls or killing the people we live with. Let’s avoid going crazy during quarantine.

1. The obvious list you’ve seen everywhere. (condensed)

Even though this list can be found on a million sites and posts, I’m going to mention them in case you haven’t seen all of them yet. These are the things that immediately come to mind when you’re suddenly stuck at home with free time: catch up on your favorite series/movies, finally finish reading that book you started in January 2019 during New Years resolutions, clean the house, organize your closet, get dressed for the day even if you’re staying home (to boost the psyche), set aside time to be productive if you’re working remotely, and – the one that is absolutely blowing up all of my social media news feeds right now – OBVIOUSLY get into (the best) shape (of your life). Because that’s so easy when you’re literally stuck in your house with a refrigerator and 15 different places you can sit – am I right?? On a serious note, at least maintaining half an hour of physical exercise most days at home is definitely beneficial. Nobody is expecting you to have rock-hard abs after working remotely for a few weeks. Sweat a little and then eat a cookie. It’s OK.

2. Make Money $

If you’re blessed enough to work from home – and without kids pulling on your legs – then luckily for you, a paycheck is still in the mail. Even if you’re rolling in the dough, a little extra cash never hurt nobody. There are plenty of ways to make some extra money online… no, not that way. Do what you gotta do, but I’m talking about less-skeevy ways. There are three main things I have seen (and personally tried) that can throw you some extra bucks.

  • Freelance. What is this? Basically, it’s someone paying you to do something you’re good at on a computer. It typically includes: writing articles/blog posts, proofreading someone else’s written work, graphic/website design, etc. You usually set up a profile on a freelance website, browse posted jobs, and then apply to them. There’s a lot of tips and tricks you can find online to make your application (AKA proposal) stand out. Here is a list of various popular freelance websites.
    My own experience: I enjoy writing, so I applied to write scripts about dating for this guy’s YouTube channel. Now I make an extra couple hundred bucks a month using the free hours of quarantine. Not too shabby.
  • Teach English online. Here me out on this one; you can teach 5 hours a week and make an extra $400 bucks a month. I’m doing it as we speak.
    You don’t need to be a teacher, to have studied education, or to think that kids are your passion. You need: a degree from a U.S. (or Canadian) university, some experience with kids (tutoring, camps, anything really), free time, and a little bit of energy. There are various online platforms which give you the material (lower level English – they’re mostly kids) and connect you with ESL students. Many of the students are Chinese, and many of the platforms pay well. (Usually between $15-24 an hour) I personally work with VIPKID, make $20/hour, have pretty cool students, and make my own schedule. This means that if you only want to work 5 hours a week, more power to you. That’s an extra 400 bucks a month, man. Or, work 10 hours a week, and make that 8-hundo.
    There is some extra information about VIPKID in this great post. You can also shoot me any questions on the contact page and I’ll be happy to answer them personally!
  • Online surveys. These are simple and to the point. You answer a bunch of questions with your opinion. There aren’t big bucks in this option, but it’s an easy way to score a little cash. Lots of surveys only take 10 minutes or so! Swagbucks is usually the favorite, but here is a longer list of survey sites.

3. GET. SHIT. DONE… but make it fun.

Ok, we’ve now passed most of the things that you’ve already done or tried to do. While the “obvious list” has the potential to be super-productive, it also is kind of annoying. Maybe that book you started reading last January actually sucks. And, sure, you’ve organized some things, but you aren’t going to tackle that basement pile just yet. Maybe next quarantine. (Knock on wood)

So, now’s the time to get into the fun. Productivity can be a long-ass list of things you’re dreading, or it can be a list of things that are beneficial to you personally and will put a smile on your face. Choose 3 things today that you’ve always wanted to do. Maybe this includes a skill that you want to learn, or a place you’ve always wanted to visit, or a personal project you really feel is for you. Some of these things will seem unattainable during a quarantine. If you’ve always wanted to learn to scuba-dive, or visit San Diego, or open your own cookie shop, you’re probably not going to be able to do these things in the next couple of weeks. BUT, what you can do, is set yourself up to do them when this pandemic becomes a part of the past. What we have to remember, in positive consciousness, is that this will pass, and life, back-to-almost-normal, will eventually return. All of our opportunities are still out there, they are just on pause for the moment. Make them yours anyway!

  • Google the hobby you want to start, find a local place that teaches it, and send them an inquiry email. If you can, sign up directly on their website or via email for classes starting this summer (July or August is a safer bet). Try to pay for the first class. This will give you a sense of responsibility, and even a little guilt in paying, that makes you feel accountable to actually show up for the class when the time comes. Since we don’t have an exact timeline on the Coronavirus or it’s effects, make sure the date is flexible and can be changed to a later date if need be. Write the date on your phone, e-mail calendar, and physically in your planner, if you have one. Remember it and get excited!
  • Think about something that you’re passionate about, good at, something that really makes you feel successful. Maybe you’re an amazing chef, or a meticulous organizer, or a really great photographer. Showcase that skill. Learn to make that website, build your portfolio, or start with an easier social media page/platform. Whatever you do, make sure to keep focusing on the part that you actually enjoy. Document your creations or show the world your skills. This could end up being something life-changing for you, if you let it. But for now, all you have to do is start.
  • Close your eyes, take a few seconds, and then tell me what you want. Right now. What do you freaking want? I don’t mean lunch, or an extra hour of sleep. Those are daily things we can fix. But WHAT. Do. You. Really. WANT? Maybe it’s a house, maybe it’s to feel better when you look in the mirror, maybe it’s a change of career, or a trip you’ve been dreaming about for years but never booked. We all desire something and, sadly, a lot of us never end up attaining it. Not because it isn’t possible, but because there are a hundred excuses that get in the way. Here’s the sad truth; There will always be a hundred excuses. But, in the silver lining, this pandemic takes away a good 30 excuses or so. Take one of those extra hours in your day and work towards something you really want. Start small. Google opportunities that align with your goal. Apply to something. Buy the plane ticket, even if it’s 5 months from now and you have NOTHING else figured out except the destination. Do a healthy grocery store run and find a (non-salad) healthy recipe online for your dinner tonight. Take a look at your accounts and do some practical math to figure out how to reach that number goal you need. Take one small step, and you’ll already be way closer to what you want than were yesterday.

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic will be an event in the history books of our future children. It has caused economic chaos, societal worry and personal loss across the globe. Those of us lucky enough to be home can keep counting our blessings and roaming the internet for new ways to maintain some sanity and normalcy under lock-down. Hug your family (even if they’re driving you crazy), do a few stretches, and have some coffee near your biggest window. No matter where you are, remember that this will pass, and we will come out of it stronger than ever!