“What are your goals? Do what you want, when you’re young. THEN find the person you’re going to marry. Make sure you’re compatible. Have time together before you have children. You will need those memories to get you through life.” – AW, female, 87


“Never fight. No yelling. Talk it out.” -AT, male, 86, married 61 years

“If you’re single, don’t have any babies until you are married. It’s easier that way. If you’re getting married, treat your husband the way you want him to treat you.” -DS, female, 76

“Be honest with yourself. Listen to your gut. If your gut says something isn’t right with the guy you like, trust it. Because it will only get worse from there. The real man comes out after marriage, and marriage is a lot of work. Everyone has habits, and if you love someone you’ll learn to look past them because it makes the other person happy.” -MB, female, 94


“If you have a good husband, that’s wonderful, enjoy him. If you have a bad husband, drop him like a hot potato. People say, “What will people say?” I say, I’m the one involved, not them. I could care less about what they think. It’s my happiness.” -AD, female, 93

“Be friends first.” -JS, female, 78, married 59 years

“You need four things: love, honor, respect and trust.” -NW, male, 93, married 59 years

“During hardships, support each other. Also… we didn’t have time to fool around, which is a big problem nowadays.” -HB, male, 77, married 52 years

In separate rooms, we asked a couple; What is the secret to your 58-year-long marriage?

Wife: “We like each other.” -KM, female, 79

Husband: “We don’t like each other.”

“Listen to your heart and your mind. Don’t let someone tell you you can’t do something, because, if you want it, you can do it. When you get married, never go to bed angry at your husband. You never know if you’ll get the chance to talk to him the next morning. In marriage, communication is key. If you don’t agree on something, say so, then ask why they feel that way. Decide what you’re going to do and how. Communication, communication, communication. Find a good man. Take your time to figure out your feelings.” -JB, female, 84, married 36 years, widowed